Why I Chose Coursera?

Since I read the MIT CHALLENGE of Scott Young, I always want to achieve such a great feat by learning online. In the past three years, I have tried the most popular MOOC platform. I learned Biochemistry and Synthetic biology on Edx, acquired the Python programming on Udacity, and audited a lot of courses on Coursera. After all the platform I have tried, only the Coursera suite me most. Not only because of the quality of the course are awesome, but also for the Financial aid, it provides that can allow me to obtain a certificate to approve myself.

I don’t care too much about the certificate, the most important thing always about the knowledge and skill I learn from the course. so I audited a lot of courses without applying any certificates. But when it comes to my college application, it can’t be avoided to approve my ability by providing this kind of certificates. So recently I retake the course that I have audited and manage to pass all the compulsory exam. It’s a good way to review the knowledge I have learned, but not just for the sake of certification!

It reminds me what my idol Richard Feynman says about the Nobel Prize:

“I’ve already got the prize. The prize is the pleasure of finding the thing out, the kick in the discovery, the observation that other people use it [my work] — those are the real things, the honors are unreal to me. I don’t believe in honors, it bothers me, honors bother, honors are epaulets, honors are uniforms.”

So I hope I can enjoy the pleasure of learning a new thing. Certification is a vice product of my great effort.

The Certificates I got from Coursera

Genomic Data Science Specialization

  1. Introduction to Genomic Technologies by Johns Hopkins University
  2. Genomic Data Science with Galaxy by Johns Hopkins University
  3. Python for Genomic Data Science by Johns Hopkins University
  4. Algorithms for DNA Sequencing by Johns Hopkins University
  5. Command Line Tools for Genomic Data Science by Johns Hopkins University
  6. Bioconductor for Genomic Data Science by Johns Hopkins University
  7. Statistics for Genomic Data Science by Johns Hopkins University
  8. Genomic Data Science Capstone Pendding


(Note: This post will continuously update as an appendix of my CV)